Please pray for your Pastor Search Committee Daily!
Gene Dalton - Chairperson
Scott Lyle - Co-Chair
Shelley Coit - Secretary
Kerri Hibbitts, Cathy Spivey, Byron Durham, Ray Shell
Alternates: Melinda Shell & Shari Videtto
Committee selection has been completed along with training from the Ga. Baptist Mission Board.
Our Communication Plan is in progress with a church survey on what our church family is looking for in a pastor to take place on Nov. 24 & Dec. 1. Also making sure the church stays updated through this website, announcements from the pulpit, and also updated in the church bulletin.
We are in the process of gathering potential prospects for a transitional pastor to start at the first of the year to carry us until we pick our new pastor. The Ga. Baptist Mission board is helping with this also.
Our next goal after getting the surveys completed will be to develop what an ideal candidate would be…the ministry needs, the vision, the mission, the values, reviewing church profile and demographics and determine future needs and directions.
As you can see it is not a small task and one that needs lots of prayer and due diligence by our team and our church family.
God’s Blessings on each one!
Next meeting - 12/4: We went through our pastor surveys and are putting together our criteria for our new pastor. We are also beginning to look at some candidates for our transitional pastor through some recommendations from our Ga Baptist Association.
1/4/2025: Search committee met to discuss looking at a couple of candidates for our transitional pastor. We want to do our do diligence by having them come and give a sermon and meeting with our committee.